Morgen Writes

  • A Conversation on a Train

    “Excuse me. Do you believe in Jesus?”. “No”“Well, he believes in you”“I’m good”“No, I know, I just wanted to let you know”“OK, thanks for letting me know”. What I should have said: “Excuse me. Do you believe in Jesus?”. “No””Well, he believes in you””Well I hate him, you can tell him that from me””I thought…

  • My Other Half

    If you are truly meant to be, we will never meet?My body doesn’t allow the touch of your kind, it makes me sick. I am un-well. I self isolate as treatment.So tell me, how will we meet? I feel sure I will forever be a half,living this half life.This lonely decay.How long before you give…

  • I accept it.

    It? Everything. I accepted how things are now, shaped by things already happened. And how things now will shape what happens in the future. So how should I decide how to live my life when I can only predict what will happen, not guarantee it?Its simply really. I accept that I wont know until I’m…

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